How UEO Is Changing the SEO Landscape
Search engine optimization is essential to having content that scores well, and there are Las Vegas SEO firms that help area businesses rank well online. The internet landscape is changing, however, and user experience optimization will play a vital role in publishing content and services that rank well with search engines and other discovery methods.
Accelerated Mobile Pages
As of 2017, more users access the internet via mobile devices than traditional personal computers. The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, or AMP, is an open protocol that lets pages load near instantly on smartphones and tablets. Google already gives greater visibility to websites that support AMP, and industry experts expect that AMP favoritism will soon become a part of its ranking algorithms.
Time Spent on a Page
AMP isn’t the only way UEO is affecting traditional SEO. Consider that several major search engines are already measuring the time spent on a page. Engines can determine the average time spent on a page and use that as a lens through which an SEO rank can be evaluated. A page that scores high traditionally but doesn’t hold readership may indicate retread content.
Search Queries Will Change With PDA Usage
Personal digital assistants, such as Cortana, Echo and Siri, are becoming more prevalent as the technology becomes cheaper and people become accustomed to using them. Users will search in a more natural way rather than through so-called Google-fu. Sites that prove accessible to these PDAs will inevitably generate more page visits.
Apps Will Directly Challenge Traditional Websites
In many cases, where an app currently provides a better user experience, websites still prevail due to the nature of search engine optimization. Search engines are already introducing basic app indexing, and deep linking to content within apps is becoming more practical and sophisticated. Users will soon be able to stream apps on mobile devices and Windows computers, which means they can access that indexed content without installing an app or being on a specific platform.